Two weeks have passed since I last post. Did I blink? I think I blinked. Lets try again with that getting back into blogging thing, shall we?
So this last week I really haven’t done much in the way of crafty things. I’ve been busy finalising my itinerary for the big trip later this year. Working out when I’m flying into and out of places (all the international flights were booked back at Easter, now it’s all the internal flights and buses). I’m close to getting all of that booked then I can organise the last 6 nights of accommodation that I need to book. I can’t believe it’s only 4 months away now. And we all know that time is going to fly even faster than the last 4 months.
Last week I was supposed to be finishing off those quilts. Well, I found a place to order the black batting from. And didn’t order it. I have the fabric I need to do the borders. And didn’t even look at them. In short, my fingers decided they needed a break from the needle. Fair point really, they had been taking a battering with my smoking needle. So instead I decided to knit a baby blanket for a friend. She’d picked out the pattern and the yarn, so all I had to do was knit it.
I have to say that this is the most boring thing I have knitted since that very first scarf when I was learning to knit. But it does look good. And thankfully it only took a week to knit it. Yes, I still have to sew in the ends – I was just so happy to finish knitting it that I folded it up and sat it on the back of the couch where I could ignore it all week
Also, last week, I baked a cake for a friend’s birthday. Her birthday (and dinner party) was on a Thursday, so this meant Wed night baking and an early start the next morning to decorate it. But it was well worth it. A triple layer caramel mudcake, sandwiched with dark chocolate ganache, coated in said ganache, sides covered with grated white chocolate and whipped ganache piped around the edge. I must admit that this is the worst piping I’ve done in a looong time, but no one seemed to notice
And it went down well. Not to mention was then eaten for breakfast the next morning, and lunch. It’s good to know I can give someone three square round meals
And lastly, to finish of this rather random catchup, a friend shared a link to a very funny YouTube video on facebook. Incase you haven’t seen it, follow this link for a laugh.